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The Bartorelli Jewelery was born in Rimini in 1994 thanks to Renato Bartorelli and his wife Lucia.
To retrace the history and origins of the Bartorelli family, its passion for jewellery, we must go back to 1882, the year in which the progenitor Lorenzo Lorenzi, originally from Montescudo, a small town on the Rimini hills, began to frequent the goldsmith markets of Romagna, assisted by his son Guido Bartorelli.
Only after the end of the Second World War, with the economic recovery, Luciano and Piero, Guido's sons, opened the first store in Cattolica.
Luciano, then in 1954 he opened his own shop in Riccione, supported by his sons Renato, Carlo, Paolo and finally Leda
After years of great satisfaction and demonstration of extreme professionalism, Renato, Luciano's eldest son, opens a store in Corso D'Augusto in Rimini.